Which Famous Quote Best Describes You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Home is Where the Heart is
You love to decorate, nest, and be surrounded by loved ones. You would gladly trade a glamorous night out for a more comfortable and cozy night in. Strengthening family and building lasting relationships are the most important things in life to you. The famous quote that best describes you is "home is where the heart is".

Think Outside of the Box
You are an innovator and problem solver who refuses to live by boundaries that others have made. You do things your own way, and they usually work out. If they don't then you think of a new way. The famous quote that best describes you is "think outside the box".

Never Stop Dreaming
You have been accused many times of having your head in the clouds, but you don't let that get you down. You know that in order to life life to it's fullest, you must imagine and visualize the things that you want the most. The famous quote that best describes you is "never stop dreaming".

Live in the Moment
You don't waste time worrying about what has happened in the past or problems that might arise in your future. Instead, you seize the day and life your life to its fullest. The famous quote that best describes you is "live in the moment".

Always Be Good to Yourself
You know that in order to help and uplift others, you must first take care of #1. You make healthy lifestyle choices and choose to spend time with others who lift you up and avoid those that bring you down. The famous quote that best describes you is "always be good to yourself".