What Does Your Body Language Say About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Self Confident
Your body language exudes self confidence and high self esteem. You never cross your arms or stand timidly. You always put your best face forward and look the world in the eye. There's nothing about you that ever comes across as timid or shy.

Your body language exudes optimism. From the bright way you use your hands to speak, to the casual ways you stand, you project optimism and positivity everywhere you go, just by being you!

Your body language gives the impression that you are a bit shy. You often stand with your arms crossed or with one arm holding onto the other for protection. You rarely feel totally content or at home in social situation, thus you often try to guard yourself from the world.

Your body language makes you appear loving and warm. You always offer hugs, touch others lightly while talking, and never back away from a close up conversation. You are a loving and warm individual who exudes happiness and good spirit wherever you go.

Your body language indicates that you are passionate. You talk passionately, walk passionately, and even eat passionately. You often have a difficult time keeping your hands to yourself and love to project your personality through the way you carry yourself in a conversation.