How Mature Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Usually Mature But Sometimes Playful
You know when to take life seriously and when to throw in the towel and dance in the rain. Who cares how old you are? You are usually mature but sometimes playful.

Older Than You Look
People are surprised when they find out your real age. Who cares how old you are? You are older than you look.

Mature for your age
You are an old soul trapped inside a young person's body. You were always the most responsible of your friends and your maturity has paid off. Who cares how old you are? You are mature for your age.

Young at Heart
You don't take life too seriously and refuse to stress about things that don't really matter. Who cares how old you are? You are young at heart.

Just Right For Your Age
You are right on par with where you should be when it comes to responsibility. Who cares how old you are? You are just mature enough for your age.