Which Vintage Postcard Quote Sums Up Your Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

"Tea And A Biscuit Can Solve Anything."
The vintage postcard quote that sums up your life is, "Tea and a biscuit can solve anything!" While it arguably can't solve anything, you and most others would agree that tea and a biscuit can prove a comforting remedy to every bad situation. Sometimes you truly value the simple things in life!

"Don't Look Back You're Not Going That Way"
The vintage postcard that best suits your personality is "Don't look back, you're not going that way!" You know that the past is the past and there is nothing to do but move forward at full blast. Though you've had your fair share of trials and tribulations, you know that moving forward is the only option.

"All You Need Is Love And A Dog"
The vintage postcard quote that best describes you is, "All you need is love and a dog!" You're a compassionate soul who feels soothed by the very presence of man's best friend. Even when times are tough, you can pull through as long as you have a canine companion and love in your heart.

"Believe You Can And You're Halfway There"
The vintage postcard quote that best describes your life is, "Believe you can and you're halfway there!" Though the odds have often been stacked against you, you know that all you need to do is believe in yourself and you can meet any goal you have in mind!

"There Is Nothing Love Can't Heal"
The vintage postcard quote that best describes your life is, "There is nothing love can't heal!" You've had to do your fair share of healing in life. While it wasn't always easy, love can mend even the most broken of hearts. With love all things are possible.