How Much Of A Leader Is Your Soul?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your Soul Is A Leader
Your soul is a wonderful leader! You are always there to lead by example and help your peers instead of bossing people around. You know what you need to do in order to take charge. Great teams are made by great leaders like you.

Your Soul Is A Follower
Your soul is a follower, far from being a leader. You would rather be told what to do than to tell others what they should do. If you don't mind this, then keep doing what you are doing. If you don't like this, then now might be a good time to learn how to be more assertive.

Your Soul Is A Boss
You are more of a boss than a leader. A leader is always there to show their team how to do something, as well as helping them complete their goals. A boss is someone who tells other what to do while they take on some other task. You are more like a boss than a leader. If you want to be more of a leader, then you are going to have to be more involved with your team.

Your Soul Is A Team Player
You are not a leader or a follower, but instead you are somewhere in the middle. You know the value of helping others and being helped in return. Sometimes its not always important to be a leader when you can instead work as equals to complete a common goal.

Your Soul Is A Leader And A Follower
You can both be a leader and a follower, depending on the task at hand. You are driven, but also modest. You are the type of person to take control when you know what you are doing, but you will also step back and let someone else be in charge when you are dealing with something that you do not understand.