What Trait Will You Pass On To Your Child?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your Hair Color
The trait that you're bound to pass on to your child is your hair color! Even if you carry the recessive hair color gene in your partnership, it's still a surefire guarantee that your little on is going to possess your shock of hair on the top of its head. As your child gets older, it will start to look more and more like you in a variety of ways!

Your Sense Of Wonder
From you, your child will inherit a strong sense of wonder and adventure. You'll notice early on that your child possesses a strong sense of curiosity and a need to explore. If you're wondering where this trait comes from, take a good long look in the mirror. Your child will be just like you in this way!

Your Inherent Kindness
From you, your child will possess a warm heart and an inherent sense of kindness! You'll likely notice early on that your little one tends to care deeply about the world around them. From protecting the feelings of their beloved pet to saying kind words to you, their kindness will shine through early on!

Your Stunning Eyes
From you, your child will inherit your stunning eyes! When others look at your child, they'll know exactly where they got their prominent peepers from. You've always been complimented on your eye color and soon your child will be to!

Your Intelligence
From you, your child will inherit amazing intelligence! Just like you, your little one will wow the world with its ability to learn, grow, and challenge itself faster than other kids. Your baby will be a true tour de force in terms of intelligence!