Which Card Game Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Cards Against Humanity!
You are: Cards Against Humanity! You're hilarious, and maybe a little twisted at times. Everyone wants you at their party. You're a pro at breaking the ice, getting people laughing, and keeping the fun going all night. This game can get wild, and you're down for it!

You are: poker! Gambling, strategy, high stakes -- you like to live on the edge. You're clever and can outwit just about anyone. No one is ever quite sure what to expect from you - do you have a big secret, or are you just playing around? There's never a dull moment with you.

You are: solitaire! This one-player game is a classic favorite. You value your private time where you can chill out and reconnect with yourself. Who better to hang out with? You like a good challenge and you excel at tasks that require concentration and thought. You're intelligent and maybe a little introverted sometimes, which means you're very in tune with yourself. It's a good way to be!

You are: war! It's a duel! This game is as straight forward as it gets -- kind of like you. You like going head-to-head and you usually come out on top. You're great at competitive activities, probably because you're confident and can think on your feet. With that mix, you keep everyone on their toes!

You are: bridge! Everyone partner up! You're a fantastic team player and you have more fun knowing that someone else has your back. You are your friends like to kick it old school and you can spend hours just hanging out and playing a good game.