How Intelligent is My Dog?

How smart is your dog actually? Find out just how smart your canine is by answering multiple questions about their behavior around you, family, and friends.

Tags: Animal, Pets, Dog, Behavior, Feature

Here are all the results with descriptions

a genius!
It is clear from your answers that your pup is most likely a certified genius. They know more than just their basic commands, can easily solve problems that you put in front of them, and actively choose what activities they want to participate in!

super smart!
It is clear from your answers that your dog is one smart cookie! They know all of their basic commands and some fun ones as well! If they were a person they definitely wouldn't be able to tell you the meaning of life, but they could conjure up a good theory!

pretty smart.
It is clear from your answers that your pup is pretty darn smart. They know all the basic commands and tend to obey you and those around you pretty well. They also know a few tricks, which they love to do regardless of whether or not they get a treat.

of average dog intelligence.
It is evident from your answers that your dog is of average intelligence. They definitely know basic commands, but that's pretty much it. Either way, they make for a great companion and addition to your family!

not that bright.
It is clear from your answers that your doggy isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, however sweet they may be. Only a few of the commands you have tried to teach them have stuck and they would much rather chase their own tail than do a trick for a treat.

downright dumb.
It is clear from your answers that your dog really isn't that bright. As sweet as they may be, they haven't learned a single command, they hardly listen to you, and they would rather chase their own tail then get a treat ford doing a trick.