How Superstitious Are You?

Wondering if you're the superstitious type, or if you're just cautious? Take this insightful quiz and find out! The answer may surprise you though, so don't say we didn't warn you!

Tags: Personality, Character-Trait, Superstition, Fear

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're super superstitious. You don't break mirrors, open umbrellas indoors, or walk under ladders. Not to mention, you'd rather die than ever adopt a black cat! You believe 100% of the stories! Better safe than sorry, right?

You're super careful. And that means practicing caution due to the possibility of bad luck. You don't know if all the stories are true or not, but you're not about to find out. You much rather just avoid broken mirrors for as long as you can!

You break mirrors, you probably have a black cat, or have had one in the past, and... you have opened an umbrella indoors before. And you've heard all of the stories, you just don't care. You may not know if the stories are true or not, but you honestly live life by one code: whatever happens, just happens.

Not Superstitious At All
You don't believe in the silly myths that threaten people with 7 years bad luck, or omens of death, or misfortune. You believe those are stories dating back to olden times, when people didn't have anything better to do than make things up. No TV, no radio, no electricity... it can drive you nuts!