Do I Look Exotic?

To be exotic is to be arrestingly unusual or different in manner or appearance than those around you. Let's see if this definition describes you with a fun quiz!

Tags: Living, Exotic, Manner, Appearance, Character, Style, Look

Here are all the results with descriptions

like everyone else
You are not at all exotic. In fact, you are like a clone of others in your family, and you dress just like your group of friends. There's nothing right now to make you stand out physically, but that doesn't mean that your personality isn't exotic!

pretty much like everyone else
Though you may have some potentially exotic features, you hide them behind your clothes or makeup. Until you break free from trying to be trendy and accepted, you will never stand out from your crowd of friends.

a little exotic
Hmm. . . There is something a little unusual about you. We can't explain exactly what it is. You possess certain 'je ne sais quoi' that makes you seem a little exotic. So, celebrate what makes you unique!

exotic because of your clothes
There's nothing unusual or unique about your physical features, but you have an exotic look because of the clothes you wear. Have you traveled a lot or do you like to sew your own designs? Whatever the reason for your cool clothes, they make you exotic!

exotic because of your physical features
There's nothing unusual or unique about your fashion choices, but your exotic looks stand out because of your physical features. Perhaps you are mixed ethnicity or you have 'personalized' your body in a novel way. Whatever the reason for your physical features, they make you exotic!

as exotic as can be
You look very exotic. Not only are your fashion choices unique and unusual, but also your physical features stand out from the crowd. What makes you so different from others? Perhaps you have been influenced by diverse cultures or time periods? Whatever the reason, your exoticism makes you awesome!