Should I Be A Lawyer?

If you're considering beaching a lawyer, you should take this quiz to see if the profession truly fits your personality and wants in a career. Remember to have fun and be honest!

Tags: Lawyer, Career, Law

Here are all the results with descriptions

Become A Defense Lawyer
You would make an excellent lawyer. You should look into becoming a defense lawyer as you have a great passion for people as well as the law. Your compassion and empathy would make you the perfect defense attorney!

Become a Prosecutor
You would be a fabulous lawyer, regardless of what law you decide to practice. However, based on your answers you should look into becoming a prosecutor as it suits your personality. Continue to work as hard as you do, and you will soon be helping get bad guys off the streets!

Go Into the Law Field, But Not Become a Lawyer
You really have an excellent grasp of the law and the legal system. However, your personality and likes do not suit becoming a lawyer. Perhaps you should look into other opportunities in the field of law!

Give Yourself A Little More Time
You may yet become a lawyer, but at this time in your life, you shouldn't pursue it. You just aren't ready to commit to becoming a lawyer and all that, that entails. In the end, you might still become a lawyer just not yet.

Probably Choose A Different Profession
Overall, it seems you aren't very suited to become a lawyer. There is a very slim chance that this is the career for you. You should really look into other professions as you will most likely find something else you enjoy more.

Not Become A Lawyer
You should not become a lawyer. It actually seems like the least you job you could possibly get. There are a ton of other jobs that you would enjoy more so get looking into those. You will be a lot happier in another profession.