How Many Times Have You Been Reincarnated?

Do you believe in reincarnation? Unlike other quizzes, this quiz doesn't claim to know your past lives but merely how many past lives you've had thus far.

Tags: Living, Soul, Reincarnation, Personality, Self

Here are all the results with descriptions

Once before
You have exactly one other past life. Sometimes you might have a dream or sense of deja vu that is linked to this past life. Otherwise, you're a perfectly normal human- perhaps slightly wiser than most.

You've been reincarnated twice before. With each reincarnation you become wiser and wiser. You're well on your way to the enlightenment you likely seek. Keep up with your path of learning and growth to achieve this.

5, 000 times
You've been reincarnated 5, 000 times! Which unfortunately means, there's likely something that you just aren't getting. Take a hard look at yourself and see what path of improvement can lead you back.

You've never been reincarnated before! You are the first of your story line and because of this you probably feel youthful, lively, and full of energy almost all the time. You have a young soul and spirit.

6 times
You have been reincarnated 6 times previously. You have an unusually stubborn personality and refuse to conform to anything. You're the kind of spirit likely to lead a rebellion and we get the sense that you have.

4 times
You've had 4 past lives! You consider yourself an old soul and have a very intuitive nature. You feel like you understand people almost immediately and do what you can to help them with whatever they're going through.