Are You A Critical Thinker?

Are you someone that likes to gather all the facts and evidence before forming a decision on a topic, or do you make snap judgement calls instead? Find out if you're a critical thinker with this quick quiz!

Tags: Personality, Thinking, Traits

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not A Critical Thinker
There isn't any part of your personality, at least according to this quiz, that makes you a critical thinker. You're actually on the exact opposite of the spectrum. You're going to have to slow down a little bit in life and stop making such quick decisions. Take it all in first!

Not Really A Critical Thinker
You might have a moment here and there where you take some time to evaluate a situation, but for the most part you don't do a lot of critical thinking in your life. Try and collect all the evidence before forming an opinion next time. It's easier than you think.

Somewhat Of A Critical Thinker
It seems like when it matters to you, the big life decisions, you think critically. There are other times when you don't feel it's necessary to do anything in the critical thinking department and just go with it. If it works for you, then that's okay. If you're struggling in different areas of your life, try and apply that method a little more.

Kind Of A Critical Thinker
You appear to have the capabilities of thinking critically, even if you don't do it all the time. When deciding where you want to go out to eat, you probably don't need much of a period of observation. When it comes to determining significant things, you have it under control.

Almost A Complete Critical Thinker
You definitely have the methods for critical thinking down pat! You might jump to conclusions once in a while, and that's completely normal. Not everything deserves that much time. You shouldn't have any issues with the decisions you make in life.

100% A Critical Thinker
Every single time you have to make a decision or form an opinion about something, you put in the work! Collecting all the facts and observation of what's happening are essential in critical thinking, and you've got it all figured out. Good for you!