How Long Would You Survive In Texas?

Here are all the results with descriptions

For The Rest Of Your Life
The south is your home and you wouldn't just live there but you'd thrive! There's nothing better than spending time with great people and enjoying delicious barbecue and music.

At Least A Decade
You'd be able to live in Texas for quite some time. There's plenty about the state that you can't help but love. Eventually though, you'd start to grow homesick for your old home. Texas will always have a place in your heart.

A Few Years hhhh hhh
You wouldn't survive a long time down in Texas but you're okay with that. It may have great people and food but it's just not the state for you. You're someone who prefers the north instead.

A Few Days hhhh
Texas is just not the place for you. You're more of a northern person and you just don't like the heat or culture that Texas brings. You don't think it's a bad place, it's just not for you.