99% Of Americans Can’t Pass This Citizenship Test, Can You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Citizenship Worthy
Well done! You passed the citizenship quiz that 99% of American's couldn't pass with flying colors! You clearly know America and it's rich storied history inside and out. We think 99% of Americans would be jealous of your knowledge!

Perfect Citizen
Congratulations, you passed the citizenship test that 99% of American's can't pass! That makes you a perfect citizen. You not only know the basics when it comes to America, you know the rich and epic history that makes America everything that it is!

Near Perfect Citizen
While you had a bit of a rocky time, you managed to pass the citizenship quiz that most Americans simply can't pass! That makes you a near perfect citizen! Part of being a citizen, is knowing the country you're going to join inside and out. We think you're ready to be a true American!

In Need Of A Refresher Course
Unfortunately you missed passing this quiz by a hair! Fret not, you're in the same boat as 99% of Americans. While you demonstrated a strong base knowledge on American history, you could use a bit of a refresher course!

Not Quite A Citizen
Unfortunately, you're not ready to be an American citizen just yet! In time, you'll find that learning the ins and outs of American history isn't that hard. Give yourself some time to learn and you'll be on the road to citizenship in no time at all!