What Do You Miss Most About Being A Teenager?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Lack Of Responsiblity
The one thing that you truly miss about being a teenager is the lack of responsibility! Sure, you had to keep up on your school projects and homework, but there's never a time in your life where you'll be as free from adult responsibility as you are in your teens.

The Freedom To Choose A Future
The one thing you miss most about being a teenager is the freedom to choose a future! As we get older, our options seem to feel more out of reach in terms of choosing a career or starting over. When you're a teen, the possibilities are endless!

Seeing Your Friends Everyday
The one thing you miss most about being a teenager is seeing your friends every day! As a teen, you see your friends almost every day. Whether in school or out of school, you get a chance to catch up with your buddies on a daily basis. As an adult, seeing your friends becomes harder and harder!

Thinking $100 Is A Lot Of Money
The thing you miss most about being a teenager is thinking that $100 is a lot of money! When you're a teenager, every amount of money seems like a big amount of money. Once adulthood hits, money seems to go faster than you can say one hundred dollars.

Free Time
The one thing you miss most about being a teenager is the amount of free time you get! From time alone to time working on your hobbies, there's never a time in your life when you have more time to just do your own thing without interruption. Ah...to be sixteen again!