How Anxious Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

90% Anxious
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 90% anxious. Unfortunately, the circumstances of your life have lead to some major anxiety. You're having trouble settling down, relaxing, and shutting off your brain. Try meditative techniques or talking to a friend! Sometimes the first step to ending anxiety is admitting that you're suffering.

75% Anxious
Based on the results of this quiz you're 75% anxious. While you're not an anxious person by nature, life has got you feeling a bit unsettled. From work to home, you're having trouble keeping it all inside. Take a few deep breaths and remember that nothing is permanent, not even the anxiety you're feeling.

45% Anxious
Based on the results of this quiz you are 45% anxious. You suffer from some mild anxiety from time to time. While you're hardly an anxious person, you're currently experiencing some issues in life that have left you feeling a bit rattled to the core.

30% Anxious
Based on the results of this quiz you are 30% anxious! We all suffer from anxiety sometimes. Even the most calm and collected person has moments of utter panic. While you're not an anxious person, you do suffer from anxiety during new situations or moments of stress.

10% Anxious
Based on the results of this quiz you are 10% anxious! You suffer from very little anxiety during your day to day life. In fact, it takes a lot to get you feeling a bit nervous. For the most part, you're an ace at knowing how to find a silver lining in any situation.