Which Airline Fits Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Hawaiian Airlines
What's a more tropical airline than Hawaiian Airlines? We can't really say. Like this airline, you are laid back and fun. When people are with you, they are sure to feel comfortable and nice. You must have a great effect on people! They will want to come back for more!

United Airlines
United Airlines have been taking some flack recently because they don't always treat their customers as they would like to be treated. They need to improve how they interact with others, and maybe you should too. Try to be more positive and kind and you are sure to make more friends.

Alaska Airlines
Any flight to or from Alaska is bound to be small, but great things often come in small packages. Whether you are big or small, you have a personality that can't be beaten! People are sure to flock (or fly) to you no matter where in the world you are!

Austrian Airlines
Austrian Airlines has changed a lot in the last few years, and so have you! All of the changes to the airline have been for the better, and we hope that you are changing for the better too!

Emirates was rated to be the #1 airline in the world in 2016. Like this airline, your personality shows that you are the best of the best! People are sure to want to be with you as much as possible. You have a great personality