Do You Sleep Enough?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Don't Sleep Nearly Enough!
Based on the results of this quiz, you don't sleep nearly enough! Most of the time, you're a walking zombie who just desperately wants to lie down and take a nap. It's time to put yourself first and make sure you get the shut eye you deserve. Remember, you matter!

You Sleep An Average Amount!
You sleep an average amount! Based on these quiz results, you get just the right amount of sleep each night to power through your day and put your best face forward. Sure, some nights you could use a little extra sleep, but for the most part, you're doing just fine!

You Sleep The Perfect Amount!
You get the perfect amount of sleep! Based on these quiz results, you get the perfect amount of sleep each night. You know exactly how many hours of shut eye you need in order to live your best life and give the world your all. With a perfect bedtime routine and a focus on self care, you always make sure you're rested and ready for whatever life throws your way.

You Sleep Too Much!
This quiz revealed that you might just sleep too much! You have a tendency to oversleep to the point of feeling groggy! Sleep is important, but like everything in life moderation is key. Find your sleep sweet spot and you'll never muddle through a day feeling groggy again.