What Type Of Intelligence Do You Have?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Logical and Mathemathtical
In your day to day life, you are quite good at grasping concepts and solving mental arithmetic. When the math and problem solving problems come your way, you're usually quick to solve it.

You use your imagination and come up with vivid imagery to help you in your day to day life. You easily recognize and analyze faces and scenes.

You have usually reflect deep inside yourself to figure out problems. You can easily comprehend who you truly are and that helps you succeed. You are most likely introverted as well.

Musical and Rhythmic
The way you identify the rhythm and tones helps you at understanding music. Music most likely plays a huge role in your life.

Verbal and Linguistic
You are excellent at remembering words and dates. You tend to read a lot in your day to day life and it helps to figure out certain problems.