Which Lucy Expression Best Captures Your Mood?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Dreadful Lucy
The Lucy expression that best captures your current mood is dreadful Lucy! You've got something coming up that you're truly dreading. Be it a work meeting or a wedding, there's something that you can't help but dread. Your palms are sweaty, your face is contorted, and your head is filled with a million different excuses that could possibly lead to you getting out of whatever it is you're dreading most.

Delighted Lucy
The Lucy expression that best matches your current mood is delighted Lucy! Congratulations! It seems as if you're having a most excellent day. Did you finally get that promotion at work? Are you eating an ice cream cone? Based on your mood, something happened today that has left you feeling truly jubilant. We're so happy for you!

Shocked Lucy
The Lucy expression that best captures your current mood is shocked Lucy! Uh-oh, it appears as if something shocking has just happened in your life. We're not sure whether this shocking moment was good or bad but for your sake we're hoping you just walked into a surprise party or met Ryan Gosling!

Angry Lucy
The Lucy expression that best matches your current mood is angry Lucy! Angry Lucy is very emotive and so are you. We're not sure what's lead to this kind of anger but we're hoping things cool down fast. Take a few deep breaths, untwist your face, and move on from whatever is making your blood boil!

Self Satisfied Lucy
The Lucy expression that best matches your current mood is self satisfied Lucy! Some might call this a smug look but we think it's a look of total pride! You've done something great and you have every reason to get a little cocky about it. Go on with your bad self and boast a little bit. Some self satisfaction never hurt anyone!