What Show Would You Have Binge Watched In 1986?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Family Ties
Based on the results of this quiz, you would have binge watched "Family Ties" in 1986! You're a wholesome gal who loves a good family comedy. You would've spent hours falling in love with Alex P. Keaton and taking in the epic story lines of this show.

The Golden Girls
Based on the results of this quiz, you would have binge watched The Golden Girls in 1986! You're a firecracker who loves dark humor and sarcasm. Not only did this show offer some of television's greatest writing, but the humor and wit was second to none.

Growing Pains
The show you would have binge watched in 1986 is "Growing Pains!" This show speaks to your love of family and interconnected stories. Few things bring you as much joy or comfort than watching a family endure similar struggles, ups, and downs as your own.

The Cosby Show
The show you would have binge watched in 1986 is the Cosby Show! The dynamic of between the children and parents on this show has always warmed your heart. You've found yourself returning to this program for its humor and wit time and time again.

Who's The Boss
The TV show you would've binge watched in 1986 is "Who's the Boss!" Tony Danza, need we say more? This show had something for everyone. For you personally, it was all about the eye candy. Of course, the story lines were great too!