What Mom Role Do You Play?

Here are all the results with descriptions

CEO Of Household
You play the role "CEO of Household!" Many underestimate just how tough being a Mom can be at times. Not only are you tasked with making sure your little ones are safe and happy, but you're also the CEO of the household. You take care of budgets, make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing, and plan out every aspect of your families life. Hats off to you wonder woman!

Personal Chef
The Mom role you play is "personal chef!" Having a few little ones around might seem like a breeze to those who don't have children, but you know that being a mom means wearing many hats. One of them being, a chef's hat. You spend a lot of the time in the kitchen preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for your whole family. Not only are you in charge of everyone's diets, but you like to give wholesome foods that can help each of your kid's live their best life.

PhD In Anger Management
The Mom role you play is "PhD in Anger management!" Sometimes being a Mom also means being a life coach, therapist, and having a PhD in anger management. Your ability to sooth and diffuse is second to none. You know every trick and tactic for calming down an angry or fussy little one with ease. You do you!

Art Director
The mom role you play is "art director!" Being a mom means being a jack of all trades and a truly multi-faceted individual. The role you play well is that of art director. You're constantly coming up with amazing crafts, projects, and stories to help keep your child's imagination growing.

Lady McGyver
The mom role that you best play is that of "Lady McGyver!" That's right, just like television's McGyver, you are often tasked with solving problems, diffusing bombs, and crafting solutions out of thin air to unpredictable problems. Let's just say if the world were about to end, we'd want you on our side!