Can You Pass A 5th Grade Vocabulary Quiz?

Do you think that you have the same amount of knowledge as a 5th grader when it comes to vocabulary? Answer these questions and find out if you are as smart as you think!

Tags: Knowledge, Vocabulary, Test, Word, Language

Here are all the results with descriptions

Absolutely Nothing About 5th Grade Vocabulary!
There isn't really anything that you know about 5th Grade vocabulary. That's okay though; maybe you don't need to use it in your daily life. You can also search the internet to find the answers to your questions.

Not Very Knowledgeable About 5th Grade Vocabulary
There is very little that you can pick up on when it comes to 5th Grade vocabulary. You don't necessarily have to know everything these days though. You can always just use your smartphone to look up the answers.

Kind of Knowledgeable About 5th Grade Vocabulary
You know a little bit about 5th Grade vocabulary, but there's still a lot for you to learn, or re-learn because there's a pretty good chance that you've already gone through the 5th Grade. You can do a little brush-up and take the quiz again!

About Average When It Comes To 5th Grade Vocabulary
You're just about average when it comes to what you know related to the vocabulary of 5th graders. You got about half of the questions right. The other half, well, you can do some studying and come back and try again.

Very Knowledgeable About 5th Grade Vocabulary
For most of the questions, you knew what you were talking about. There's a couple that had you mixed up, but that's better than not knowing any of them. If you want, you can check the internet and see what you missed and come back to get that perfect score!

A 5th Grade Vocabulary Expert!
There is no question that you definitely know your 5th-grade vocabulary. If you wanted to, you could probably teach your own class. Good for you, you little smarty! You can tell all of your friends that you aced this test and go on with the gloating.