Where Should I Work?

Are you thinking about getting a job? Where you work will have a significant effect on your happiness, so it's important to take this quiz, so you choose the position that's right for you.

Tags: Career, Work, Job, Employee, Profession, Occupation

Here are all the results with descriptions

in An International School.
Do you love kids and traveling? You can combine both of your loves into one cool job if you move abroad to teach in an international school. Usually, you would teach your native language during the week, leaving you the weekend to explore the country. Some schools even offer room and board!

at Home!
If you want to see your kids more, you have physical limitations, or you just enjoy your alone time, home is the best place for you to work. First, create a well-organized, well-equipped workspace where you can be productive. Often, employers conduct video interviews, and you want your home office to impress!

in Your Vehicle!
If you like to drive, you might consider making your vehicle your workspace! Nowadays, there are many companies where you can drive people around or make deliveries in your personal car. People who need a flexible schedule will like this type of job.

in an Event Venue.
If you like live music and theater, you should work in an event venue. You will be able to enjoy exclusive events, meet famous performers, and perhaps even take home some yummy leftover hors-d'oeuvres!

in Your Local Bar or Restaurant.
You just want to work to have fun or to socialize, so the best fit for you is a bar or restaurant close to where you live. You can get to know the locals and develop friendships with your neighbors and your coworkers!

in the Funeral Industry.
Believe it or not, the funeral industry offers interesting, stable, and lucrative career paths. If you like sales, you can sell burial insurance, plots, or caskets. If you have a talent with makeup, you can prepare bodies for viewing. You can drive bodies to and from the funeral home, perform cremations, dig graves; the possibilities are endless!