What Color Is your Life?

Everyone's life has a color. What color is yours? Is it vibrant or dull? The results of this quick, fun quiz will show you where you fit on the color spectrum.

Tags: Personality, Attitude, Character-Trait, Lifestyle, Living, Relationship, Color

Here are all the results with descriptions

Even though you probably haven't even heard of smaragdine, this beautiful green color permeates every aspect of your life! If you would like to know what color smaragdine is, just look at a beautiful faceted emerald jewel stone.

Ultraviolet goes beyond the realm of visible light in the spectrum just like your inner self goes undetected by most of the world. You are not an easy person to get to know, but those who make the effort are rewarded when they find a truly orignal person with a unique perspective.

Rose Quartz.
Because of the affection and positivity that you radiate, the color that dominates your life is rose quartz. This lovely pink shade is gentle, soft, and attractive to everyone who comes into your presence.

The color of your life is gray because you are not taking advantage of many opportunities for color in your life. Gray is a nice color, but it is best when complemented with a bright, contrasting tone such as yellow or black.

Amber is the name and color of fossilized tree resin. Though amber is a naturally warm honey tone, it appears in your life because you can be unreasonably stuck in your traditions, habits, and beliefs.

Cyan is a cool, calming blue-green color reminiscent of the ocean. It is the color of your life because you are diverse, active, and alive, but also constant and composed like the waves of the mighty sea.