Aura Quiz

Take this quiz and discover what aura surrounds you. By answering these few questions you will be able to find out the essence that you give off and the meaning behind it.

Tags: Aura, Color, Personality, Horoscope, Zodiac

Here are all the results with descriptions

You focus on the physical in life. You are confident, strong and sensual and don't care who knows it. You are also very passionate and competitive. These traits make you the amazing person that you are, but can also lead to complications when your passion and competitive nature take a turn for the negative!

Having an orange aura means that you are a thrill seeker. You love the adrenaline rush of doing life and death activities. You are a fun-seeking optimist overall and have an extreme energy. Enjoy the rush of it all, but remember to be a little cautious if you can!

A yellow aura means that you a free-spirited individual. You are sensitive and optimistic which makes you a great friend to the people around. You also are very in tune with nature. Yellow is the most childlike aura out of them all which means you are also a pure soul.

Green is the smartest aura and many individuals who have green auras become extremely powerful. You process ideas quickly and your wit is unmatched. Be careful though, sometimes are so focused on information that you forget about being sensitive or considerate of others feelings!

Having a blue aura means that you are an incredibly emotional being. You are very in tune with your feelings at all times. You are also a nurturer who love to help others in any way possible. You are truly a kind and loving person!

People who have violet auras tend to be inspirational. They are also patient and quick to teach others around them. Having a violet aura means that you overall just want to inspire people to make the world the best place that it can be. That's pretty special!