What To Text A Guy To Make Him Smile?

What's the point of sending a text to a guy you like if it doesn't make him happy? This fun online quiz will teach you what to say to make him smile wide!

Tags: Text, Message, Texting, Flirt, Flirting

Here are all the results with descriptions

a favorite memory
Sharing fond memories can be a bonding experience for a couple. Don't just think about vacations or big events. The little things--the smell of the cookies you baked together, the sound of his keys jingling as he approaches your front door, or a picture of your first date will make him smile if you tell him why they are special to you.

a sexy and mysterious promise
To keep your man interested and intrigued, you need to keep him guessing! Send him a mysteriously-worded text message that he will have to figure out. Have a sexy surprise waiting for him when he gets home!

a funny picture
Do you have a picture that always make you giggle? Share it with him. If you send every slightly amusing text, he will start to regard your texts like junk mail so be selective and only send funny texts occasionally.

a fresh new song that you think he will like
Not only will sharing a song show him he's on your mind but also he will remember you every time his is jamming to it in the future. Select songs with meaningful lyrics or that are just amazing to dance to!

an invitation for a date
When's the last time you went on an adventure together? Does he always do the planning? Take the initiative and plan a fun date that HE will enjoy. Then, text him an invitation with the date and the time!

a random flirt
Are his lips sexy? Send him a random, flirty message to tell him how bad you want to kiss him! You know your man and how far you can push the boundaries. If you do it right, he will flirt back with you!