What Fantasy Species Are You?

Were you one of those kids who used to play knights and princesses in the playground at school? Or sit in the darkness of your parents basement rolling your d20? It was always really hard to decide what fantasy species to be, with the vast wealth of them that exist. You always wanted to know what you are, so find out here.

Tags: Fantasy, Personality, Fun, Elf, Dwarf, Medieval

Here are all the results with descriptions

Ew, you got Goblin. Good luck in life.

Eh, you got human. Boring, but could be worse. You are a normal person.

Not bad, you got dwarf. You enjoy your food, but are also not to be underestimated.

You got Elf. You are a cool person who is close to nature and very skilled at what they do.

You are a demon in female form, or supernatural entity in folklore. Well done I guess.