How Long Can You Keep A Secret?

Not very many people can keep a secret for long. What about you? This fun personality quiz will reveal if you are one of the ones who can keep their mouths shut!

Tags: Secret, Confidence, Friend, Gossip

Here are all the results with descriptions

when you're dead
You are very bad at keeping secrets. Sometimes, you intentionally spill the beans to make yourself look important and knowledgeable. Other times, you accidentally let it slip. Are you as loose with your own secrets too?

for about a nanosecond
You are not very good at keeping secrets. You may have good intentions when you hear a juicy tidbit, but your mouth gets the better of you and you spill the beans almost immediately. Must you let everything slip out?

for a minute
You are not the best at keeping secrets, but at least you try to hold it in as long as you can. Eventually, your loose lips get the best of you and you spill the beans. This is an issue of self-control that could be mastered with practice!

unless someone holds a gun to your head
You do not readily reveal secrets, but you will spill the beans when you are put under pressure. Hopefully, no one will put a gun to your head, but your friends may make repeated requests for the information until you cave!

until death do you part
You take secrets seriously. Once there's no need to keep the secret any longer, however, you may reveal what you knew all along. For example, you will keep a secret pregnancy of a friend concealed for exactly nine months!

until the end of time
You are like a vault. The secrets that you know are protected and secure forever. You don't cave under pressure and you never reveal a friend's secret just to make yourself look like you are 'in the know. '.