Fantasy Life Quiz

It's time to escape, to travel to a far off land full of your greatest fantasies. Discover what your fantasy life holds for you- mermaids, dragons, or something as simple as free food?

Tags: Fantasy, Secret, World, Character, Dream

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Own A Library
One escape is not enough for you, you require thousands. Your fantasy life is filled with even more fantasy lives as you own a library and have opportunity after opportunity to devour every single book.

You Are A Warrior
You are a warrior in your fantasy life! You are fierce and strong and you protect all that you care for whether that's a secret country, a lover, or a cause you support. You have immense power in your fantasy world.

You Are A Magic Artist
Not only are you a highly gifted and creative artist in your fantasy life but you also create your art through magic. That's right- magical powers and artistic prowess. Enjoy and embrace all the creativity that finds you here.

You Can Fly
Perhaps you are a pilot, perhaps you have wings, or maybe you ride on the back of a loving dragon. The point is, you can fly. Your fantasy life is filled with the feeling of freedom and the fresh wind.

You Are A Wolf
You are a wolf in your fantasy life! Maybe you are the leader of the pack, maybe you are a lone wolf, maybe you befriend a human- that's all up to you. Nevertheless you are a wolf. Independent, quiet, and captivating.

You Achieve Greatness
Congratulations! In your fantasy life you achieve greatness. We don't know what this looks like, that part's up to you. Nevertheless be prepared to bask in the beams of your success and accomplishments.