Who Really Inspires You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Mother Theresa
This woman gave up her life to serve the people that the rest of society was the most afraid to be around. She measured peoples worth through God's eyes. Mother Theresa really inspires you.

Nelson Mandela
He faced countless obstacles, even years of imprisonment to fight for his cause, then freely forgave. Nelson Mandela is your inspiration.

Martin Luther King Jr.
He fought for equality and had the faith that one day his dream would be realized. Your inspiration is Martin Luther King Jr.

Abraham Lincoln
His humble beginnings did not stop him from being the greatest leader that this country has ever had. Your inspiration is Abraham Lincoln.

Albert Einstein
His mind is unparalleled by any in history. He escaped Nazi rule and fled to a land where his ideas could help expand the knowledge of others. Your inspiration is Albert Einstein.