Can We Guess The Last Person You Texted?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your Mom
We believe the last person you texted was your Mom! When it comes right down to it, you're not as close with anyone else as you are with your Mom. Not only do you go to your Mom when you're in need of advice, but you go to your Mom when you simply want to talk about your day or even share good news. You love a good back in forth with Mom via text!

Your Significant Other
We believe the last person you texted was your significant other! You're closer with your spouse or significant other than you are with anyone else. Not only do you love to joke around with your partner throughout the day, but you truly love sending flirty texts and fun emojis. You can't go more than an hour without texting your beau!

Your Co-worker
We believe the last person you texted was your co-worker! Unfortunately, you're at a juncture in your life where work rules all. From meeting big deadlines to attempting to impress the boss, you're constantly texting your co-worker on work related projects and meetings.

Your Best Friend
We believe the last person you texted was your best friend! You and your best friend are two peas in a pod. Not only do you text back and forth about the most mundane things that can happen in a day, but you and your pals are always on standby for news good and bad. Based on your emoji usage, we definitely believe you were texting your BFF.

Your Sibling
Based on the results of this quiz, we believe you were texting your sibling last! It's obvious that you and your sibling have a close bond that few siblings in the modern day can share. You text one another about anything and everything. From what's up with mom and dad, to what's up with work, you and your sibling are as close as two people can be.