What Does Home Really Mean To You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Home Is Where Your Family Is
To you, home is wherever your family is. It's not a physical structure that makes a home, it's the people who fill it with laughter and love. In your opinion, home is family. Nothing more nothing less.

Home Is Where You Can Be Yourself
To you, home is where you can be yourself! At home, you can cook dinner in your PJs, sing in the shower, dance a crazy dance, and feel good about all of it! Why? Because home is where you're free to be whoever it is you really are.

Home Is A Feeling
To you, home is a feeling, not just a place. You've never felt as if you had a static home because home follows you wherever you go. Some places feel like home, even if they're not. In your opinion, home is a feeling you get when you're truly content and happy.

Home Is Where Your Bed Is
To you, home is where your bed is! Is there anything greater than snuggling into your own bed after a long day? Not really. As comfortable as other beds can be, there's nothing quite as great as your own bed.

Home Is Where You Don't Have To Be Perfect
To you, home is where you don't have to be perfect! Outside of the house, you have to present a certain aspect of yourself to those you encounter, which can keep your true selves from shining through. At home, you're free to be whoever it is you are without judgement. There's nothing more freeing or comforting than that!