Are You A Workaholic?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Total Workaholic
You are a total workaholic. When you're not at work, you're thinking about work or taking on extra tasks. You often have a difficult time separating your work life and your home life, letting them both meld into one. You're constantly checking your phone or laptop for work related emails or texts.

Complete Workaholic
You are a complete workaholic. When it comes to work, you're dedicated and ambitious. You have a seriously difficult time shutting off and relaxing. Instead of being satisfied with meeting a goal or finishing a task, you often take on extra work or move on to the next goal right away. You don't allow yourself much downtime or a chance to stop and smell the roses.

Work Fiend
You are a work fiend. Do you find yourself checking your phone or laptop for work related emails or tasks more than you actual use it for texting or communicating? You might be a bit of a workaholic. You have a difficult time separating your personal life from your work life, taking on additional tasks to avoid feeling lazy or unambitious.

Workaholic Tendencies
You have workaholic tendencies. While you're not a total workaholic, you can have a tough time separating work from home. While we can't fault you for being ambitious and driven, make sure to allow yourself some much needed downtime.

Work Average
You are work average. Well done! You have mastered the art of balancing work and home. You take on a healthy amount of work and know your personal limitations when it comes to stress. While you are a seriously ambitious person, you know that allowing yourself the time to relax and enjoy life is important.