What Diet Is Best For Me?

With the thousands of diets out there to choose from, how can you know which one is best? This diet will analyze your needs and recommend a suitable diet.

Tags: Diet, Health, Eating, Healthy, Weight

Here are all the results with descriptions

Mayo Clinic Diet
The Mayo Clinic diet is not a temporary fix or a quick weight-loss fad. The diet stresses replacing bad eating habits for good ones. For more information: https://health. usnews. com/best-diet/mayo-clinic-diet.

Mediterranean Diet
People living in Mediterranean diet experience less incidence of cancer and heart disease than their counterparts in other parts of the world. The difference is attributed to their lifestyle habits, which include eating lots of fish, nuts, and produce, and avoiding red meat. For more information: https://health. usnews. com/best-diet/mediterranean-diet.

DASH stands for 'dietary approaches to stop hypertension. ' Followers of this diet gradually reduce sodium intake, avoid saturated fats and sugar, and eating lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy. For more information: https://health. usnews. com/best-diet/dash-diet.

Flexitarian Diet
Flexitarian means 'flexible vegetarian. ' You try, especially at home, to eat a plant-based diet. However, if you go out with friends or simply get a craving, you can have a little meat every once in a while. For more information: https://health. usnews. com/best-diet/flexitarian-diet.

The MIND diet combines the principles of two of the most healthy diets (DASH and Mediterranean) with research of dementia and Alzheimer's prevention. The goal is to reduce your risk of mental decline. For more information: https://health. usnews. com/best-diet/mind-diet.

Weight Watchers Diet
For those who like structure and support, the WW diet is for you. Each food has a point value, making it easy to keep track of your daily calorie intake. For more information: https://health. usnews. com/best-diet/weight-watchers-diet.